(First of two posts on EMP.)
New concerns are being raised that the nation's electrical grid and critical infrastructure are increasingly vulnerable to a catastrophic foreign attack caused by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
An EMP attack could black out the U.S. electric grid for a protracted period of months or years," warned Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the EMP Task Force, a bipartisan congressional commission. An EMP event could wipe out 90% of America’s population in only ONE YEAR! This is a very real threat, not conspiracy theory or science fiction. Our food and water supplies, communications, banking, hospitals, law enforcement, etc., all depend on the electric grid. Without electricity, people would probably kill each other or they would die from starvation or disease.
Naturally occurring geomagnetic storms like the solar superstorm that narrowly missed the Earth in 2012, or like the 1859 Carrington Event or 1921 Railroad Storm could wreck havoc on our country.
Also, a nuclear EMP attack from terrorists or rogue states, as practiced by North Korea during the nuclear crisis of 2013, are both existential threats.
Yet until recently little attention has been paid to the ease of generating EMPs by detonating a nuclear weapon in orbit above the U.S., and thus bringing our civilization to a cold, dark halt.
Recent declassification of EMP studies by the U.S. government have begun to draw attention to this dire threat. Rogue nations such as North Korea (and possibly Iran) will soon match Russia and China and have the primary ingredients for an EMP attack: simple ballistic missiles such as Scuds that could be launched from a freighter near our shores; space-launch vehicles able to loft low-earth-orbit satellites; and simple low-yield nuclear weapons that can generate gamma rays and fireballs.
In December 2012, the North Koreans successfully orbited a satellite, the KSM-3, compatible with the size and weight of a small nuclear warhead. The trajectory of the KSM-3 has the characteristics for delivery of a surprise nuclear EMP attack against the U.S. For real time tracking of KSM-3
"The grid is utterly unprotected from an EMP attack. Also, it's not adequately protected from cyber or physical sabotage," Pry said in an interview with Fox News. "It's why North Korea and Iran want the bomb, have the bomb. North Korea has actually practiced this against the United States."
Pry, whose congressional EMP commission issued its last unclassified report in 2008, says that the Obama administration has not followed basic recommendations from the bipartisan task force which outlined how the nation's electrical grid could be hardened and protected from this kind of attack -- for $2 billion.
The House of Representatives unanimously passed several pieces of legislation to protect the nation's power grid -- the GRID Act, the Shield Act and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act (CIPA) -- but they died in the Senate. Congress should pass and the president should sign into law the Shield Act and CIPA as soon as possible. Literally millions of American lives could depend on it.
We have become a society that abhors Christianity, loves Islam, has no moral fiber, and where anything goes, except logic and morality.
Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.
Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.
Political Correctness
And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Ray R Barmore
Health and Wellness Coach
The Herbal Guy
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4
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