Thursday, July 23, 2015

What is happening to this country?

What's Happening to This Country?

1. The Seattle mayor wants to change laws to benefit Muslims and Shariah Law.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” Mayor Murray said during a press conference.

It’s amazing how liberals like Murray can argue for the separation of church and state and Christian values from society in one breath while arguing that American businesses be forced to comply with Shariah Law in the next.

2. In California: In K -12 schools plus college, if your physical being is one gender, but mentally you feel like the opposite gender, you can try out for sports and shower with your mental gender.

3. In Oregon, children as young as 15 can receive cross-sex hormone therapy, puberty-suppressing drugs, and gender-reassignment surgery. Yes, that’s surgery to have their sex organs removed or rearranged without the consent of a parent. This surgery is paid for by the Oregon health Plan. Can you imagine one day your son comes home and says, Hi Mom and Dad, I’m now a girl named Caitlin?

4. Our military can’t carry weapons because of one Muslim lunatic. Let’s see, we trust them to have guns in other countries, but not in our own. Liberal logic? How about just keeping guns away from Muslims. Woops, that would be profiling. No No!

5. Bruce Jenner has a mental illness and society let him down by using his condition to further their liberal agenda. Then the liberals gave him a metal for courage. Where is the metal for insanity or stupidity?

6. We have a liar and a fraud for a president who is guilty of treason and a Supreme Court that writes laws.

7. The leading democratic candidate is a vile person, with no credibility. She is guilty of lying, fraud, and treason, but the liberals love her.

8. Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby parts. There is nothing planned about Planned Parenthood, it is simply an abortion clinic and that is how they make their money.

9. The Supreme Court has decided to ignore the constitution and legislate law. The recent decision on marriage was based on treating everybody equally. Quite frankly, we don’t do that and you can’t satisfy everybody in a large society. Can a mother and a daughter, father and a son now get married? Are there any limits to who can marry who? The Court is now making laws dependent on their social belief system, not the constitution. As an example, have you heard of “Hate Crimes”? If a minority is assaulted and a white person is assaulted, and the perpetrators are both caught, the person that assaulted the minority gets a more severe sentence than the person that assaulted the white person. How is that equal protection? That by the way is another Supreme Court decision.

We have become a society that abhors Christianity, loves Islam, has no moral fiber, and where anything goes, except logic and morality.

I truly believe the inmates are running the asylum.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
Health and Wellness Coach
The Herbal Guy
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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