Wednesday, June 4, 2014

America Destroyed

America Destroyed

America has become a country being destroyed by liberals and political correctness.

If we lie to the government, it’s a felony; if they lie to us, its politics. Presidential lies are just campaign promises. Liberals actually expect their candidates to lie to them.

If we dislike a black person, we are racist and guilty of a hate crime. If a black person dislikes a white person, it is their constitutional right.

The schools are required to teach that homosexuality is good, but can’t mention God. Many schools no longer have a Christmas break, it’s a holiday break. (A rose by any other name is still a rose.)

You can kill an unborn child, and sometime a child that has been born (1), but capital punishment is wrong.

It’s okay to use a human fetus for research, but just don’t use another type of animal.

We are unable to close our border with Mexico, but don’t have any problem with the border between North and South Korea.

If you don’t like Obama’s policies, you are a racist, un-American and/or a terrorist. Disliking a past president’s policies used to be a first amendment right.

Having and or distributing pornography is protected by the first amendment, but if I speak up against ObamaCare, I’m a terrorist. If I mention God, I’m guilty of a hate crime.

We take money from those that work hard for it and give it to the people that don’t want to work. This is called the redistribution of wealth and it is considered a good thing.

All of our children are being diagnosed as having ADHD, when in fact proper parenting and fewer video games would solve most problems.

In California schools, a person in a boy’s body, but believes he is a girl has access to the girls bathrooms, locker room and shower. Also, he can play on girls athletic teams.

The mark of true liberal is: I don’t care what my forefathers, grandparents or even my father believes in – I am here now and I will decide what is right and wrong.

(1) Late term abortion.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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