Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Al Qaeda and Muslims

Why all of this talk about helping the Syrian rebels? The Syrian rebels consist of several groups of Muslims trying to overthrow Assad. One of these groups is called Al Qaeda. Remember Al Qaeda, we helped them beat the Russians in Afghanistan, and then they hijacked US airliners and flew them into some of our buildings. They bombed the USS Cole and have bombed several embassies.

We went to war in Libya only to have them kill out Ambassador and several other good Americans. That battle went for hours and we never received any help from the government.

We went to war in Iraq, now they are busy bombing and killing each other. It seems the Sunnis and the Shiites can’t get along and both groups want to kill Christians.

We are still at war in Afghanistan, but most of the people don’t like us and as soon as we leave, the Taliban will be back in force.

We keep getting involved in the Middle East conflicts to no avail. Let’s get out and let them kill each other.

Al Qaeda won’t be happy until we (non Muslims) are all dead. So the question remains, why all of this talk about helping the Syrian rebels? Also, why should we ever get involved with a Middle Eastern country when they have a belief system that wants us all dead? When are we going to learn?

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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