Friday, August 23, 2013

Sad Day For America

New Document Well, we have three bored teens, two of them black, so they decide to kill someone. They picked out a white man from Australia to kill.

Did we hear from Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Jesse Jackson Jr. Well we couldn’t hear from Jesse Jr. because former U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. was sentenced to 2 ½ years in federal prison for using $750,000 in campaign funds for personal use. Another parent who obviously didn’t teach his children about honesty and moral character. Maybe Jesse Sr. should have spent more quality time with his son instead berating white people.

Also, have you noticed that Oprah hasn’t sounded off, nor has the NAACP. What about the NAAWP? Oh, I keep forgetting, there isn’t one. Nobody has offered 1 million dollars for the murder of the suspects either. Let’s hear from the white panthers, wrong, they don’t exist either. And they say whites are racist.

What is wrong? The truth is, it is just another bad crime that should never have happened, but had it been white against black, there would be no end to the garbage coming out of the mouths of the above mentioned civic leaders. Maybe the problem here is that the above mentioned civic leaders are all racist.

Lets look at the root cause. It really isn’t about white or black, it’s about educating people and getting our young people jobs. We all know that our president has been a total failure on that score, as well as many others. But, where were the parents? Can we also charge the parents with a crime? Maybe that would be a partial solution. If the parents are found to be negligent, they should be punished as well. Punish a few parents and maybe our youth would have more respect for others.

I hope the people of Australia don’t think all of America is overrun by cowardly morons. I have been to Australia and it is a wonderful country and the Australian people are marvelous. I pray that they can find solace in God’s love and I pray that God will help them through this difficult time.

Another Crime.

Yesterday, August 22, 2013, two black youths in Spokane Washington beat an 88 year old white male to death. Hello Barack, Oprah, Jesse and Al. Where are you? Maybe these civic leaders should address their own people first. Maybe if there wasn’t so much black on white crime …………

August 23, 2013 Memphis Tennessee, 3 black men kill one white man. The car drove pass, one black man jumped out and shot the white man. Then got back in the car and drove off. This was not a robbery, it was an execution.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013


New Document
I’m really getting tired of hearing about a women’s right, her body or freedom of choice, or how republicans hate women, yada yada yada.

This is just another example of Americans and their lack of any ability to reason or use logic.

But, it’s time to have these idiots remove their heads from their butts and pay attention to the real issue.

The debate about abortion has absolutely nothing to do with a woman.

The debate centers on a moral issue. On one side, people believe that a human life is formed at the moment of conception. It is hard to tell when the other side believes human life is formed, but it’s definitely not at the moment of conception. Unfortunately, there isn’t any proof either way, just a particular belief.

If human life occurs at the moment of conception, then no one should have the right to commit murder, not even the woman that is hosting the life.

The reason I have stated “It is hard to tell when the other side believes human life is formed” is because many pro abortion people believe it is okay to have a child born, and then killed. This is the result of a lot of late term abortions. When a baby is born and is crying, then a pair of scissors is inserted in the base of the scull, that is murder and if you believe that is okay, you are really sick.

I don’t believe that Roe v Wade has any validity whatsoever. There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States of America that pertains to abortion. The Supreme Court should have just kicked it back to the states and kept out of the issue. However, if the Supreme Court must address this issue, then the 14th Amendment, Section 1 has this reference: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Oddly, the Supreme Court used this exact part of the amendment to support its decision that it is okay to end life up to 7 months. (Note: bold and italics added by me)

This article is not intended to judge the right or wrong of early abortions, only to clarify what the issue is really about.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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God in America

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Monday, August 5, 2013


New Document I have a lot of trouble with closing all of our embassies in Muslim countries. We have just shown that we are cowards and all Al-Qaeda has to do is threaten us and like a turtle, we pull in our heads. What do we do in a couple weeks, open the embassies just to have Al-Qaeda threaten us again? Running from a fight is not going to solve our problem.

We should do one of two things.

1. Remove all embassies from Muslim countries and stop letting Muslims immigrate to our country. Cut off all aid and let them destroy each other.


2. Fortify all embassies; provide proper man power and weapons. This includes RPG’s and shoulder fired missiles. Then notify the governments that everybody that attacks our embassies will die. In addition, have several rapid response teams standing by for trouble.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Posted By:
Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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