Saturday, December 28, 2013

How Do You Spell Illegal?

Sometimes I just can’t help myself. California is filled with the dumbest people God has put on this earth. We now have laws that allow illegal immigrants (now called unauthorized immigrants) to obtain a drivers license, practice law (like we don’t have enough attorneys) and limits why police can turn over illegals to the feds.

We have high unemployment.
We have over 232,000 lawyers in California
    (Note: France has twice the population and 19% of the lawyers)
We can’t turn over illegal’s for minor offense.
    These morons don't have the slightest idea what the word ILLEGAL means

California is a great state with exceptional weather. Why did we have to populate it with so many IDIOTS?

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Knockout Game

by Thomas Sowell

New York City police are investigating a series of unprovoked physical attacks in public places on people who are Jewish, in the form of what is called “the knockout game”.

The way the game is played; one of a number of young blacks decides to show he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch as they pass by.

Often some other member of the group records the event, so that a video of that "achievement" is put on the Internet, to be celebrated. The New York authorities describe a recent series of such attacks and, because Jews have been singled out in these attacks, are considering prosecuting these assaults as "hate crimes."

Many aspects of these crimes are extremely painful to think about, including the fact that responsible authorities in New York seem to have been caught by surprise, even though this "knockout game" has been played for years by young black gangs in other cities, against people besides Jews — the victims being either whites in general or people of Asian ancestry.

Attacks of this sort have been rampant in St. Louis. But they have also occurred in Massachusetts, Wisconsin and elsewhere. In Illinois the game has often been called "Polar Bear Hunting" by the young thugs, presumably because the targets are white.

The main reason for many people's surprise is that the mainstream media have usually suppressed news about the "knockout game" or about other and larger forms of similar orchestrated racial violence in dozens of cities in every region of the country. Sometimes the attacks are reported, but only as isolated attacks by unspecified "teens" or "young people" against unspecified victims, without any reference to the racial makeup of the attackers or the victims — and with no mention of racial epithets by the young hoodlums exulting in their own "achievement."

Despite such pious phrases as "troubled youths," the attackers are often in a merry, festive mood. In a sustained mass attack in Milwaukee, going far beyond the dimensions of a passing "knockout game," the attackers were laughing and. eating chips, as if it were a picnic. One of them observed casually, "white girl bleed a lot."

That phrase — "White Girl Bleed A Lot" — is also the title of a book by Colin Flaherty, which documents both the racial attacks across the nation and the media attempts to cover them up, as well as the local political and police officials who try to say that race had nothing to do with these attacks.

Chapter 2 of the 2013 edition is titled, "The Knockout Game, St. Louis Style." So this is nothing new, however new it may be to some in New York, thanks to the media's political correctness.

Nor is this game just a passing prank. People have been beaten unconscious, both in this game and in the wider orchestrated racial attacks. Some of these victims have been permanently disabled and some have died from their injuries.

But most of the media see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. In such an atmosphere, the evil not only persists but grows.

Some in the media, as well as in politics, may think that they are trying to avoid provoking a race war by ignoring or playing down these attacks. But the way to prevent a race war is by stopping these attacks, not trying to sanitize them.

If these attacks continue, and continue to grow, more and more people are going to know about them, regardless of the media or the politicians.

Responsible people of all races need to support a crackdown on these attacks, which can provoke a white backlash that can escalate into a race war. But political expediency leads in the opposite direction.

What is politically expedient is to do what Attorney General Eric Holder is doing — launch campaigns against schools that discipline a "disproportionate" number of black male students. New York City's newly elected liberal mayor is expected to put a stop to police "stop and frisk" policies that have reduced the murder rate to one-fourth of what it was under liberal mayors of the past.

Apparently political correctness trumps human lives.

Providing cover for hoodlums is a disservice to everybody, including members of every race, and even the hoodlums themselves. Better that they should be suppressed and punished now, rather than continue on a path that is likely to lead to prison, or even to the execution chamber.

Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University and a columnist syndicated by Creators Syndicate.

Editor's Note: Where are President Obama, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpto?

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dissolve Congress

When Brack Obama was a US Senator, he stated that the reason we had to raise the debt ceiling was due to a lack of leadership.

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

It's also interesting to note that he stated "the buck stops here" because he has always blamed President Bush.

He has proven himself correct. Not only is he a lousy leader, the majority of our Congressmen are lousy leaders.

Why can’t they understand that a successful country can’t have a 30 – 40 billion dollar trade deficit every month, and we can’t continue to spend over a trillion dollars more every year than we take in?

Could it be that they are just a bunch of morons?

And now that our government has been shut down, guess who continues to be paid. You guessed it, the morons that caused the problem.

Our government is so screwed up that our only hope is for the military to take control and restore logic and reason to our government.

How can they do that? I’m glad you ask.

1. Dissolve Congress. Put together two new amendments to the Constitution and don’t have any new elections until they are ratified by the states.

28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

        Federal elections
 * Contributions of Soft money is prohibited
 * Contributions from Political Action Committees are prohibited.
 * The contribution limit is $1000 per contributor per candidate and political party per year
 * Corporations have the same limits as individuals.
 * The amount of money any congressional candidate or political party can spend during an election is $2.00 per registered voter in their district. This can increase at the same percentage as Social Security.
 *The amount of money a Presidential candidate can spend is $.25 per registered voter in the United States. This can increase at the same percentage as Social Security.

(Note: The monetary figures presented here are quick guesses and would require additional research. The limits on spending are an attempt to place Congress and the President in the hands of the American people, not special interest groups.)

29th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

        Congress – Rules to Live By
 * Any bill presented to the members of Congress can not be voted on until 72 hours have passed for each 100 pages of the bill. This stipulation can be waved at time of war or any other national emergency declared by the President of the United States.
 * Any bill or nomination presented to a committee must be passed through the committee within 30 days with a recommendation to return to committee, approve or defeat the bill or nomination.
 * Congressional Pension Plan should be the same as for other government employees.
 * Congressional pay will rise with the same percentage as Social Security payments.
 * Congress will participate in the same health care system as the American people.
 * Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
 * Lobbyist can only meet with Congressional Members at committee meetings. No individual meetings.
 * Congressional Members can not receive any gifts or trips from lobbyists or other personnel trying to win support for a particular issue.
 * Congress shall be in a normal session during the months of February, March, April, August, September, and October. Congressional members shall be in their own districts the other 6 months. This does not exclude special sessions.
 * Whenever the country is shut down financially because of budget problems or the budget isn’t balanced, members of Congress will not be paid. The exceptions to this are at a time of war or national emergency.

2. Dissolve the Supreme Court. This is harder to rectify and I don’t have a solution, but here is the problem. The Supreme Court is comprised of judges and we need intellectuals. The Supreme Court continually gets it wrong. For instance: Our Founding Fathers made several decisions and entered them into the Constitution. Then they built a society based on the Constitution. Approximately 170 years later, a bunch of liberals got together and declared that several parts of our society were in violation of the constitution. How can that be? Were we wrong from day one? Don’t you think our Founding Fathers knew what they were talking about?

3. Take government department by department and eliminate everything that isn’t absolutely necessary. Balance the budget

4. Make welfare a way of helping the less fortunate, not a way of life for people that don’t want to work. Limit welfare payments to two children. Once on welfare, payments can’t increase due to having another child. See the movie “Runaway Slave” or read the book “Uncle Sam’s Plantation” by Star Parker. Both parents of children must be listed on welfare application. Welfare recipients would be required to have a High School Diploma or the equivalent, or be attending classes to obtain the diploma. If unskilled, welfare Recipients would be required to atttend federal paid for job training. Recipients would be required to pass random drug testing. Welfare payments could not be used for cigarettes or alcohol.

5. Secure our borders. Seek out illegal aliens and ship them home. Two exceptions to this would be adults that came here as children and don’t know any other country and those having critical jobs. They would not be given citizenship right away, but placed in rotation with all of the people legally waiting to come to America.

6. All new entries to the United States will speak fluent English and have a skill that we need. These people must have a job waiting and a sponsor. They can’t apply for welfare or unemployment for two years.

I believe the above changes would give this country a much brighter future, returning the country to the people instead of special interest groups.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

He Won, We Lose

New Document The truth is out now, our Democratic leaders are a bunch of lying morons and the Republican leaders are a bunch of spineless wimps.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can or will solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Out of Money

New Document Why is it that the President often reminds us that Social Security might run out of money, but he never says welfare might run out of money?

He is now saying that Social Security recipients might not get paid because of the evil Republicans, but he hasn’t mentioned the people on welfare.

I worked 36 years for my monthly check.

I believe it’s time that liar and fraud got kicked to the curb.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Al Qaeda and Muslims

Why all of this talk about helping the Syrian rebels? The Syrian rebels consist of several groups of Muslims trying to overthrow Assad. One of these groups is called Al Qaeda. Remember Al Qaeda, we helped them beat the Russians in Afghanistan, and then they hijacked US airliners and flew them into some of our buildings. They bombed the USS Cole and have bombed several embassies.

We went to war in Libya only to have them kill out Ambassador and several other good Americans. That battle went for hours and we never received any help from the government.

We went to war in Iraq, now they are busy bombing and killing each other. It seems the Sunnis and the Shiites can’t get along and both groups want to kill Christians.

We are still at war in Afghanistan, but most of the people don’t like us and as soon as we leave, the Taliban will be back in force.

We keep getting involved in the Middle East conflicts to no avail. Let’s get out and let them kill each other.

Al Qaeda won’t be happy until we (non Muslims) are all dead. So the question remains, why all of this talk about helping the Syrian rebels? Also, why should we ever get involved with a Middle Eastern country when they have a belief system that wants us all dead? When are we going to learn?

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Sad Day For America

New Document Well, we have three bored teens, two of them black, so they decide to kill someone. They picked out a white man from Australia to kill.

Did we hear from Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Jesse Jackson Jr. Well we couldn’t hear from Jesse Jr. because former U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. was sentenced to 2 ½ years in federal prison for using $750,000 in campaign funds for personal use. Another parent who obviously didn’t teach his children about honesty and moral character. Maybe Jesse Sr. should have spent more quality time with his son instead berating white people.

Also, have you noticed that Oprah hasn’t sounded off, nor has the NAACP. What about the NAAWP? Oh, I keep forgetting, there isn’t one. Nobody has offered 1 million dollars for the murder of the suspects either. Let’s hear from the white panthers, wrong, they don’t exist either. And they say whites are racist.

What is wrong? The truth is, it is just another bad crime that should never have happened, but had it been white against black, there would be no end to the garbage coming out of the mouths of the above mentioned civic leaders. Maybe the problem here is that the above mentioned civic leaders are all racist.

Lets look at the root cause. It really isn’t about white or black, it’s about educating people and getting our young people jobs. We all know that our president has been a total failure on that score, as well as many others. But, where were the parents? Can we also charge the parents with a crime? Maybe that would be a partial solution. If the parents are found to be negligent, they should be punished as well. Punish a few parents and maybe our youth would have more respect for others.

I hope the people of Australia don’t think all of America is overrun by cowardly morons. I have been to Australia and it is a wonderful country and the Australian people are marvelous. I pray that they can find solace in God’s love and I pray that God will help them through this difficult time.

Another Crime.

Yesterday, August 22, 2013, two black youths in Spokane Washington beat an 88 year old white male to death. Hello Barack, Oprah, Jesse and Al. Where are you? Maybe these civic leaders should address their own people first. Maybe if there wasn’t so much black on white crime …………

August 23, 2013 Memphis Tennessee, 3 black men kill one white man. The car drove pass, one black man jumped out and shot the white man. Then got back in the car and drove off. This was not a robbery, it was an execution.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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God in America

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013


New Document
I’m really getting tired of hearing about a women’s right, her body or freedom of choice, or how republicans hate women, yada yada yada.

This is just another example of Americans and their lack of any ability to reason or use logic.

But, it’s time to have these idiots remove their heads from their butts and pay attention to the real issue.

The debate about abortion has absolutely nothing to do with a woman.

The debate centers on a moral issue. On one side, people believe that a human life is formed at the moment of conception. It is hard to tell when the other side believes human life is formed, but it’s definitely not at the moment of conception. Unfortunately, there isn’t any proof either way, just a particular belief.

If human life occurs at the moment of conception, then no one should have the right to commit murder, not even the woman that is hosting the life.

The reason I have stated “It is hard to tell when the other side believes human life is formed” is because many pro abortion people believe it is okay to have a child born, and then killed. This is the result of a lot of late term abortions. When a baby is born and is crying, then a pair of scissors is inserted in the base of the scull, that is murder and if you believe that is okay, you are really sick.

I don’t believe that Roe v Wade has any validity whatsoever. There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States of America that pertains to abortion. The Supreme Court should have just kicked it back to the states and kept out of the issue. However, if the Supreme Court must address this issue, then the 14th Amendment, Section 1 has this reference: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Oddly, the Supreme Court used this exact part of the amendment to support its decision that it is okay to end life up to 7 months. (Note: bold and italics added by me)

This article is not intended to judge the right or wrong of early abortions, only to clarify what the issue is really about.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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Monday, August 5, 2013


New Document I have a lot of trouble with closing all of our embassies in Muslim countries. We have just shown that we are cowards and all Al-Qaeda has to do is threaten us and like a turtle, we pull in our heads. What do we do in a couple weeks, open the embassies just to have Al-Qaeda threaten us again? Running from a fight is not going to solve our problem.

We should do one of two things.

1. Remove all embassies from Muslim countries and stop letting Muslims immigrate to our country. Cut off all aid and let them destroy each other.


2. Fortify all embassies; provide proper man power and weapons. This includes RPG’s and shoulder fired missiles. Then notify the governments that everybody that attacks our embassies will die. In addition, have several rapid response teams standing by for trouble.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok. Neither major political party has demonstrated that they can solve our problems.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Posted By:
Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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God in America

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Danger to America

The Czechs have it figured out. Why can't Americans see it?

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out.

The danger to America is not the president but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be far easier to limit or undo the follies of the current administration than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than The president, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive the current administration, who after all are merely fools. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President.

If you want a current example of what a multitude of fools can accomplish, just look at Detroit Michigan.

Are we ever going to return to basic intelligence? Probably not, any group of people so stupid as to elect BO as president, not once but twice is pretty indicative of a failed society.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

No Knives at the Fairgrounds

New Document I know we have the TSA to thank for not letting any 87 year old ladies or children in wheelchairs hijack airplanes. I know this for a fact because not one airplane has been hijacked by these two dangerous groups.

Well, here is just another example of PC and BS, (political correctness and basic stupidity) gone awry.

San Diego County Fair is now in progress. Of course, we need metal detectors and strip searches to go to the fair now, because somebody may hijack it. If you have a small pocket knife, you must place it in the no return bin. (I think somebody has stock in pocket knife companies.) Well, this should make everybody feel very secure because we know that some slasher is just waiting to get a bunch of fair goers together, to cause them bodily harm. The mall isn’t a good place; it has to be a fairground. Well guess what, there are at least 4 places inside the fairgrounds where you can buy knives. Everything from steak knives to larger and more harmful knives.

Are we ever going to return to basic intelligence? Probably not, any group of people so stupid as to elect BO as president, not once but twice is pretty indicative of a failed society.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

Other Blog:
God in America

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aliens Give Americans Stupid Pills

New Document June 18, 2013

It is now proven that aliens from another planet have given Americans Stupid Pills. It is impossible that Americans could be so stupid on their own without outside interference.

While we force educated law abiding citizens from all over the world to wait their turn to immigrate to America, we allow uneducated criminals to sneak into our country. We then support them with food, housing, cell phone and education.

Now according to the supreme court (filled with court jesters on hallucinating drugs), they can even legally vote and responsible state governments can’t stop them. I guess “we the people, for the people, by the people” now refers to everyone in the world.

As proven by the last election, our beloved country is being run be illegal aliens and complete morons.

Our only hope is that the military gets tired of seeing our country destroyed from within and takes control. The 3 branches of our government are ineffective and running amok.

Our problems can be summed up as CLAPS.

Political Correctness

And I bet you thought Clap was just a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Posted By:
Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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God in America

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Analysis from Canada on the Conn. School Shootings

New Document

Analysis from Canada on the Conn. School Shootings
Blood is on The Hands of the LEFT
By: Howard Galganov,
Canadian writer December 14, 2012

I was just about to publish my latest editorial... on Canada’s Supreme Court decision to suspend Freedom of Speech in favor of promoting one language over all others. THEN THE CONNECTICUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAPPENED.

What happened at Sandy Hook School takes precedence over any language issues in Canada and a failed Judicial System in both our countries.

I won’t waste words describing my feelings, because how I feel is indescribable about 27 people murdered, (20 young children and six adults at the school),the murder of the shooter's mother beforehand, then the cowardly suicide of the shooter at the school as law enforcement closed in.


It didn’t happen because of the so-called gun culture, or because of poor security at the school. It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has been busy removing all semblance of personal responsibility and respect from our lives.

It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH and VIOLENCE in their movies, videos and television programs.

It happened because of reality TV shows that demean humanity, along with shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others.

The senseless murders happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject depravity and gratuitous violence.

It happened because the school system doesn’t teach values, and promotes the idea that 'anything goes.' And that all people are equal, regardless of the truth. And that no one ever fails.

It happened because LEFTISTS won’t allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children in the time-honored way they feel is right.

It happened because far too many Liberals spend their time and effort ridiculing and attacking the people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah.

In truth, this and other horrible acts of violence happen because our society-- from the entertainment industry to schools to the media and to our governments-- have created the social and cultural foundation that is eating away at both Canada and the United States like a cancer.

I know that what I am writing will inflame those on the LEFT, but that’s OK-- because if they don’t like it, they can ROT in HELL along with the demons and losers of their own creation. I want my old country's values back.

Values like standing in school when an adult entered the room. Like being seriously disciplined for bad behavior. Like when we were measured by our successes and failures. When not everyone had to waste years of his or her life going to college to study basket weaving instead of taking a trades course or going to work or the service right after high school. When your Mom was a caring woman and your Dad was a real man, an authority in the home. And when there weren’t vulgar parades extolling the “virtues” of being gay.
If you want to stop the sickness . . . IT’S TIME TO STOP THE LEFT.
In sadness . . . Howard Galganov

You can read more from Mr. Galganov at

Posted By:
Ray R Barmore
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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